Source code for nubo.utils.latin_hypercube

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import pdist
from typing import Optional

[docs] class LatinHypercubeSampling: r""" Latin hypercube sampling. Generates a space-filling design. Two options are possible: sampling from a random or a maximin Latin hypercube. To sample :math:`n` points, the random Latin hypercube divides each dimension into :math:`n` equal parts and places :math:`n` points such that for every dimension each equal part contains exactly one point. The maximin Latin hypercube takes a simple approach and draws a large number of random Latin hypercube samples and returns the one with the largest minimal distance between points. Attributes ---------- dims : ``int`` Number of dimensions """ def __init__(self, dims: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- dims : ``int`` Number of dimensions. """ self.dims = dims
[docs] def random(self, points: int) -> Tensor: r""" Draw a random Latin hypercube sample. To sample :math:`n` points, the random Latin hypercube divides each dimension into :math:`n` equal parts and places :math:`n` points such that for every dimension each equal part contains exactly one point. Parameters ---------- points : ``int`` Number of points. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size `points` x `dims`) Random Latin hypercube sample. """ hypercube = torch.empty((points, self.dims), dtype=torch.float64) # pick random permutation of (1, ..., points) for each dimension for dim in range(self.dims): hypercube[:, dim] = torch.randperm(points) # translate each dimension to [0, 1] range increment = 1/points hypercube = hypercube * increment # pick random value within increment jitter = torch.rand(size=hypercube.size(), dtype=torch.float64) * increment hypercube = hypercube + jitter return hypercube
[docs] def maximin(self, points: int, samples: Optional[int]=1000) -> Tensor: r""" Draw a maximin Latin hypercube sample. Draws a large number of random Latin hypercube samples and selects the one with the largest minimal distance between points. Parameters ---------- points : ``int`` Number of points. samples : ``int`` Number of random Latin hypercube samples. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size `points` x `dims`) Maximin Latin hypercube sample. """ hypercubes = torch.empty((samples, points, self.dims), dtype=torch.float64) min_dist = torch.empty(samples, dtype=torch.float64) for sample in range(samples): # sample random Latin hypercubes hypercubes[sample, :, :] = self.random(points) # compute minimal distance of all samples min_dist[sample] = torch.min(pdist(hypercubes[sample, :, :])) # pick hypercube with maximal minimal distance maximin_index = torch.argmax(min_dist) maximin_hypercube = hypercubes[maximin_index] return maximin_hypercube