Get started#
This brief introduction will teach you in detail how to install NUBO from the GitHub repository and how to set up a Bayesian optimisation loop to maximise a toy function using NUBO’s predefined Gaussian process as the surrogate model. You can also use one of our off-the-shelf algorithm to get started quickly. For more details see the Off-the-shelf algorithms section in the menu on the left.
Installing NUBO#
Install NUBO and all its dependencies directly from the Python Package Index PyPI using the Python package manager pip with the following code. We recommend the use of a virtual environment.
pip install nubopy
Optimising a toy function with NUBO#
First, we set up the toy function we want to optimise. In this case, we choose
the 6-dimensional Hartmann function, a multi-modal function with one global
optimum. This synthetic test function acts as a substitute for a black-box
objective function, such as an experiment or a simulation. The bounds
the input space are defined as a two-dimensional torch.Tensor
where the
first row gives the lower bounds for all input dimensions and the second row
gives the corresponding upper bounds.
import torch
from nubo.test_functions import Hartmann6D
# test function
func = Hartmann6D(minimise=False)
dims = 6
# specify bounds
bounds = torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])
Then, we generate some initial training data. We decide to generate 5 data points per input dimension resulting in a total of 30 data points.
from nubo.utils import gen_inputs
# training data
x_train = gen_inputs(num_points=dims*5,
y_train = func(x_train)
In NUBO, training inputs x_train
should be a two-dimensional
(a matrix), where the rows are individual points and the
columns are individual dimensions. In this example, our training data has size
30 x 6. The training outputs y_train
should be a one-dimensional
(a vector) with one entry for each training input (here
has size 30).
Now we can prepare the Bayesian optimisation loop. We choose NUBO’s predefined Gaussian process that by default has a constant mean function and a Matern 5/2 kernel. We also use the Gaussian likelihood to estimate observational noise. We estimate the Gaussian processes hyper-parameters via maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) using the Adam optimiser. For the acquisition function, we implement the analytical upper confidence bound (UCB) with a trade-off parameter \(\beta = 1.96^2\) (corresponding to 95% confidence intervals for the Gaussian distribution) and optimise it with the L-BFGS-B algorithm using a multi-start approach with five starts. These multiple starts help to ensure that the optimiser does not get stuck in a local optimum. The Bayesian optimisation loop is run for 40 iterations, giving a total evaluation budget of 70.
from nubo.acquisition import UpperConfidenceBound from nubo.models import GaussianProcess, fit_gp from nubo.optimisation import single from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood # Bayesian optimisation loop iters = 40 for iter in range(iters): # specify Gaussian process likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() gp = GaussianProcess(x_train, y_train, likelihood=likelihood) # fit Gaussian process fit_gp(x_train, y_train, gp=gp, likelihood=likelihood, lr=0.1, steps=200) # specify acquisition function acq = UpperConfidenceBound(gp=gp, beta=1.96**2) # optimise acquisition function x_new, _ = single(func=acq, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds, num_starts=5) # evaluate new point y_new = func(x_new) # add to data x_train = torch.vstack((x_train, x_new)) y_train = torch.hstack((y_train, y_new)) # print new best if y_new > torch.max(y_train[:-1]): print(f"New best at evaluation {len(y_train)}: \t Inputs: {x_new.numpy().reshape(dims).round(4)}, \t Outputs: {-y_new.numpy().round(4)}")
New best at evaluation 31: Inputs: [0.477 0.0444 0.0736 0.2914 0.3603 0.7323], Outputs: [-1.9494]
New best at evaluation 34: Inputs: [0.4453 0.0418 0.0483 0.3164 0.3478 0.6925], Outputs: [-2.0684]
New best at evaluation 39: Inputs: [0.4127 0.1638 0. 0.277 0.3385 0.679 ], Outputs: [-2.1595]
New best at evaluation 40: Inputs: [0.3715 0.1565 0. 0.3261 0.3372 0.7126], Outputs: [-2.1843]
New best at evaluation 41: Inputs: [0.3589 0.134 0.3895 0.2927 0.3222 0.7003], Outputs: [-2.9809]
New best at evaluation 42: Inputs: [0.2754 0.1478 0.425 0.2529 0.3054 0.6874], Outputs: [-3.2027]
New best at evaluation 46: Inputs: [0.1473 0.1864 0.427 0.2906 0.2993 0.666 ], Outputs: [-3.2302]
New best at evaluation 51: Inputs: [0.1764 0.1303 0.4576 0.3022 0.3029 0.6827], Outputs: [-3.2657]
New best at evaluation 52: Inputs: [0.2016 0.1447 0.4616 0.2798 0.3018 0.6716], Outputs: [-3.31]
New best at evaluation 53: Inputs: [0.2063 0.144 0.465 0.2787 0.3138 0.6519], Outputs: [-3.3192]
New best at evaluation 58: Inputs: [0.205 0.1516 0.4686 0.2725 0.3137 0.6614], Outputs: [-3.3206]
New best at evaluation 66: Inputs: [0.2096 0.142 0.4767 0.2757 0.3112 0.6573], Outputs: [-3.3209]
New best at evaluation 70: Inputs: [0.2076 0.1527 0.4728 0.2802 0.3109 0.6594], Outputs: [-3.321]
Finally, we print the overall best solution: we get -3.3210 on evaluation 70, which approximates the true optimum of -3.3224.
# results
best_iter = int(torch.argmax(y_train))
print(f"Evaluation: {best_iter+1} \t Solution: {-float(y_train[best_iter]):.4f}")
Evaluation: 70 Solution: -3.3210
The estimated parameters of the Gaussian process can be viewed as follows:
# estimated parameters
print(f"Mean function constant: {gp.mean_module.constant.item()}")
print(f"Covariance kernel output-scale: {gp.covar_module.outputscale.item()}")
print(f"Covariance kernel length-scale: {gp.covar_module.base_kernel.lengthscale.detach()}")
print(f"Estimated noise/nugget: {likelihood.noise.item()}")
Mean function constant: 0.1073
Covariance kernel output-scale: 0.2943
Covariance kernel length-scale: tensor([[0.5552, 0.5305, 0.6730, 0.3610, 0.2741, 0.3786]])
Estimated noise/nugget: 0.0001