If you are using NUBO for your research, please cite as:
M Diessner, KJ Wilson, and RD Whalley. “NUBO: A Transparent Python Package for Bayesian Optimisation,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06709, 2023.
If you are using Bibtex, please cite as:
title={NUBO: A Transparent Python Package for Bayesian Optimisation},
author={Diessner, Mike and Wilson, Kevin J and Whalley, Richard D},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06709},
Selected publications using NUBO#
M Diessner, KJ Wilson, and RD Whalley, “On the development of a practical Bayesian optimisation algorithm for expensive experiments and simulations with changing environmental conditions,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03006, 2024.
M Diessner, KJ Wilson, and RD Whalley. “NUBO: A Transparent Python Package for Bayesian Optimisation,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06709, 2023.
J O’Connor, M Diessner, KJ Wilson, RD Whalley, A Wynn, and S Laizet, “Optimisation and Analysis of Streamwise-Varying Wall-Normal Blowing in a Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2023.
M Diessner, J O’Connor, A Wynn, S Laizet, Y Guan, KJ Wilson, and RD Whalley, “Investigating Bayesian Optimization for Expensive-To-Evaluate Black-Box Functions: Application in Fluid Dynamics,” Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2022.