Source code for nubo.optimisation.adam

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.optim import Adam
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Callable, Any
from nubo.optimisation import gen_candidates
from nubo.utils import unnormalise, normalise

def _adam(func: callable,
          x: Tensor,
          lr: Optional[float]=0.1,
          steps: Optional[int]=200,
          **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    Adam optimiser. Minimises `func`.

    x : ``torch.Tensor``
        (size 1 x d) Initial starting point of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm.
    lr : ``float``, optional
        Learning rate of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 0.1.
    steps : ``int``, optional
        Optimisation steps of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 200.
    num_starts : ``int``
        Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10.
    num_samples : ``int``
        Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100.
    **kwargs : ``Any``
        Keyword argument passed to ``torch.optim.Adam``.

    x : ``torch.Tensor``
        (size 1 x d) Minimiser input.
    loss : ``torch.Tensor``
        (size 1) Minimiser output.


    # specify Adam
    adam = Adam([x], lr=lr, **kwargs)

    # fit Gaussian process
    for i in range(steps):

        # set gradients from previous iteration equal to 0
        # calculate loss
        loss = func(x)

        # backpropagate gradients

        # take next optimisation step
    return x.detach(), loss

[docs] def adam(func: Callable, bounds: Tensor, lr: Optional[float]=0.1, steps: Optional[int]=200, num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Multi-start Adam optimiser using the ``torch.optim.Adam`` implementation from ``PyTorch``. Used for optimising Monte Carlo acquisition function when base samples are not fixed. Bounds are enforced by transforming `func` with the sigmoid function and scaling results. Picks the best `num_starts` points from a total `num_samples` Latin hypercube samples to initialise the optimiser. Returns the best result. Minimises `func`. Parameters ---------- func : ``Callable`` Function to optimise. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. lr : ``float``, optional Learning rate of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 0.1. steps : ``int``, optional Optimisation steps of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 200. num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. **kwargs : ``Any`` Keyword argument passed to ``torch.optim.Adam``. Returns ------- best_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser input. best_func_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Minimiser output. """ dims = bounds.size(1) # transform function s.t. it takes real numbers trans_func = lambda x: func(unnormalise(torch.sigmoid(x), bounds).reshape(1, -1)) # generate candidates and transfrom to real numbers candidates = gen_candidates(func, bounds, num_starts, num_samples) inv_sigmoid = lambda x: torch.log(x/(1-x)) trans_candidates = inv_sigmoid(normalise(candidates, bounds)) # initialise objects for results results = torch.zeros((num_starts, dims)) func_results = torch.zeros(num_starts) # iteratively optimise over candidates for i in range(num_starts): x, fun = _adam(trans_func, lr=lr, x=trans_candidates[i], steps=steps, **kwargs) results[i, :] = unnormalise(torch.sigmoid(x), bounds) # transfrom results to bounds func_results[i] = fun # select best candidate best_i = torch.argmin(func_results) best_result = torch.reshape(results[best_i, :], (1, -1)) best_func_result = func_results[best_i] return best_result, torch.reshape(best_func_result, (1,))
def _adam_mixed(func: callable, x: Tensor, bounds: Tensor, lr: Optional[float]=0.1, steps: Optional[int]=200, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Adam optimiser for mixed parameters. Minimises `func`. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Initial starting point of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. lr : ``float``, optional Learning rate of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 0.1. steps : ``int``, optional Optimisation steps of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 200. num_starts : ``int`` Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int`` Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. **kwargs : ``Any`` Keyword argument passed to ``torch.optim.Adam``. Returns ------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser input. loss : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Minimiser output. """ x.requires_grad_(True) # specify Adam adam = Adam([x], lr=lr, **kwargs) # fit Gaussian process for i in range(steps): # set gradients from previous iteration equal to 0 adam.zero_grad() # calculate loss loss = func(x) # backpropagate gradients loss.backward() # take next optimisation step adam.step() # enforce bounds with torch.no_grad(): x[:] = x.clamp(min=bounds[0, :], max=bounds[1, :]) return x.detach(), loss
[docs] def adam_mixed(func: Callable, bounds: Tensor, lr: Optional[float]=0.1, steps: Optional[int]=200, num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Multi-start Adam optimiser using the ``torch.optim.Adam`` implementation from ``PyTorch``. Used for optimising Monte Carlo acquisition function when base samples are not fixed. Bounds are enforced by clamping where values exceed them. Picks the best `num_starts` points from a total `num_samples` Latin hypercube samples to initialise the optimiser. Returns the best result. Minimises `func`. Parameters ---------- func : ``Callable`` Function to optimise. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. lr : ``float``, optional Learning rate of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 0.1. steps : ``int``, optional Optimisation steps of ``torch.optim.Adam`` algorithm, default is 200. num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. **kwargs : ``Any`` Keyword argument passed to ``torch.optim.Adam``. Returns ------- best_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser input. best_func_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Minimiser output. """ dims = bounds.size(1) # generate candidates and transfrom to real numbers candidates = gen_candidates(func, bounds, num_starts, num_samples) # initialise objects for results results = torch.zeros((num_starts, dims)) func_results = torch.zeros(num_starts) # iteratively optimise over candidates for i in range(num_starts): results[i, :], func_results[i] = _adam_mixed(func, x=candidates[i], bounds=bounds, lr=lr, steps=steps, **kwargs) # select best candidate best_i = torch.argmin(func_results) best_result = torch.reshape(results[best_i, :], (1, -1)) best_func_result = func_results[best_i] return best_result, torch.reshape(best_func_result, (1,))