Source code for nubo.algorithms.optimise

import torch
import numpy as np
from nubo.utils import normalise, unnormalise, standardise
from nubo.models import GaussianProcess, fit_gp
from nubo.acquisition import ExpectedImprovement, UpperConfidenceBound, MCExpectedImprovement, MCUpperConfidenceBound
from nubo.optimisation import single, multi_sequential
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from copy import deepcopy

from typing import Optional, Tuple

[docs] def optimise(x_train: torch.Tensor, y_train: torch.Tensor, bounds: torch.Tensor, batch_size: Optional[int]=1, acquisition: Optional[str]="EI", beta: Optional[float]=4.0, constraints: Optional[dict | Tuple[dict]]=[], discrete: Optional[dict]=None, noisy: Optional[bool]=False, x_pending: Optional[torch.Tensor]=None, mc_samples: Optional[int]=128, normalise_x: Optional[bool]=False, standardise_y: Optional[bool]=False, num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100) -> torch.Tensor: """ Off-the-shelf optimisation step. Allows optimisation of expensive experiments and simulations with single-point and multi-point candidates, input constraints, continuous and discrete parameters, noisy observations, and pending training data points. You can select between expected improvement and upper confidence bound acquisition functions. Uses analytical acquisition functions with the L-BFGS-B optimiser for single-point optimisation and Monte Carlo acquisition functions with the Adam optimiser for multi-point and asynchronous optimisation. Fixes base samples when input constraints are provided for the latter and optimises all constrained problems via the SLSQP optimiser. For expected improvement with noisy observaions, the maximum of the Gaussian process posterior mean is taken as a plugin value. Parameters ---------- x_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs. y_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n) Training outputs. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. batch_size: ``int``, optional Number of new candidate points to return, default is 1. acquisition: ``str``, optional Acquisition function to use. Must be "EI" or "UCB", default is "EI". beta: ``int``, optional Trade-off parameter for UCB acquisition function, default is 4.0. No impact on when EI is specified. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict``, optional Optimisation constraints on inputs, default is no constraints. discrete : ``dict``, optional Possible values for all discrete inputs in the shape {dim1: [values1], dim2: [values2], etc.}, e.g. {0: [1., 2., 3.], 3: [-0.1, -0.2, 100.]}. noisy : ``bool``, optional Specifies if observations are noisy. x_pending : ``torch.Tensor``, optional (size n x d) Training inputs of currently pending points, default is no pending points. mc_samples : ``int``, optional Number of Monte Carlo samples to approximate the acquisition function, default is 128. Has no effect on analytical acquisition functions. normalise_x: bool, optional Whether inputs should be normalised before optimisation, default is False. standardise_y: bool, optional Whether outpus should be standardised before optimisation, default is False num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size batch_size x d) New candidate inputs. """ opt_bounds = deepcopy(bounds) # normalise inputs if normalise_x: x_train = normalise(x_train, bounds) dims = bounds.size((1)) opt_bounds = torch.tensor([[0,]*dims, [1,]*dims]) # standardise outputs if standardise_y: y_train = standardise(y_train) # GAUSSIAN PROCESS # specify Gaussian process likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() gp = GaussianProcess(x_train, y_train, likelihood=likelihood) # fit Gaussian process fit_gp(x_train, y_train, gp=gp, likelihood=likelihood, lr=0.1, steps=200) # OPTIMISE ACQUISITION FUNCTION if batch_size == 1 and x_pending == None: # specify analytical acquisition function if acquisition == "EI": if noisy: target = _find_max_pred(gp, bounds, constraints, discrete) else: target = torch.max(y_train) acq = ExpectedImprovement(gp=gp, y_best=target) elif acquisition == "UCB": acq = UpperConfidenceBound(gp=gp, beta=beta) else: raise NotImplementedError("Argument acquisition must be EI or UCB.") if constraints == None: # CASE 1: Single-point # optimise acquisition function x_new, _ = single(func=acq, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=opt_bounds, discrete=discrete, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples) elif isinstance(constraints, (dict, list)): # CASE 2: Single-point, constrained # optimise acquisition function x_new, _ = single(func=acq, method="SLSQP", bounds=opt_bounds, constraints=constraints, discrete=discrete, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples) else: raise TypeError("""Argument constraints must be None, dict or a list of dicts.""") elif batch_size > 1 or isinstance(x_pending, torch.Tensor): if constraints == None: # CASE 3+4: Asynchronous + multi-point # specify Monte Carlo acquisition function if acquisition == "EI": if noisy: target = _find_max_pred(gp, bounds, constraints, discrete) else: target = torch.max(y_train) acq = MCExpectedImprovement(gp=gp, y_best=target, x_pending=x_pending) elif acquisition == "UCB": acq = MCUpperConfidenceBound(gp=gp, beta=beta, x_pending=x_pending) else: raise NotImplementedError("""Argument acquisition must be EI or UCB.""") # optimise acquisition function x_new, _ = multi_sequential(func=acq, method="Adam", batch_size=batch_size, bounds=opt_bounds, discrete=discrete, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples) elif isinstance(constraints, (dict, list, Tuple)): # CASE 5+6+7+8: Asynchronous + multi-point, constrained # specify Monte Carlo acquisition function if acquisition == "EI": if noisy: target = _find_max_pred(gp, bounds, constraints, discrete) else: target = torch.max(y_train) acq = MCExpectedImprovement(gp=gp, y_best=target, x_pending=x_pending, samples=mc_samples, fix_base_samples=True) elif acquisition == "UCB": acq = MCUpperConfidenceBound(gp=gp, beta=beta, x_pending=x_pending, samples=mc_samples, fix_base_samples=True) else: raise NotImplementedError("""Argument acquisition must be EI or UCB.""") # optimise acquisition function x_new, _ = multi_sequential(func=acq, method="SLSQP", batch_size=batch_size, bounds=opt_bounds, constraints=constraints, discrete=discrete, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples) else: raise TypeError("""Argument batch_size must be positive int and x_pending None or torch.Tensor.""") # unnormalise new point if normalise_x: x_new = unnormalise(x_new, bounds) return x_new
def _find_max_pred(gp, bounds, constraints, discrete): """ Find maximum of the Gaussian process posterior mean to use as a target for expected improvement with noisy observations. """ gp.eval() def gp_mean(x): x = x.reshape((1, -1)) numpy = False if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): numpy = True x = torch.from_numpy(x) pred = gp(x) mean = pred.mean.detach() if numpy: mean = mean.numpy() return -mean # maximise posterior mean if len(constraints)==0: max_x, max_y = single(gp_mean, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, discrete=discrete) elif len(constraints)>0: max_x, max_y = single(gp_mean, method="SLSQP", bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, discrete=discrete) return -max_y