Source code for nubo.algorithms.environmental_conditions

import torch
import numpy as np
from nubo.utils import normalise, unnormalise, standardise
from nubo.models import GaussianProcess, fit_gp
from nubo.acquisition import ExpectedImprovement
from nubo.optimisation import gen_candidates
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Any

[docs] def envbo(x_train: torch.Tensor, y_train: torch.Tensor, env_dims: int | List[int], env_values: float | List[float], bounds: torch.Tensor, constraints: Optional[dict | Tuple[dict]]=(), normalise_x: Optional[bool]=False, standardise_y: Optional[bool]=False, num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100) -> torch.Tensor: """ ENVBO is a Bayesian optimisation algorithm for problems with uncontrollable variables that are given externally by environmental conditions. This function represents a single optimisation step that needs to be wrapped in a loop where new measurements of the environmental variables are provided at each iteration. Assumes a maximisation problem. Parameters ---------- x_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs. y_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n) Training outputs. env_dims : ``int`` or ``List`` of ``int`` List of indices of environmental variables. env_values : ``float`` or ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict``, optional Optimisation constraints on inputs, default is no constraints. normalise_x: bool, optional Whether inputs should be normalised before optimisation, default is False. standardise_y: bool, optional Whether outpus should be standardised before optimisation, default is False num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) New candidate inputs. """ # get number of parameters dims = bounds.size((1)) opt_bounds = deepcopy(bounds) # normalise inputs if normalise_x: x_train = normalise(x_train, bounds) opt_bounds = torch.tensor([[0,]*dims, [1,]*dims]) env_values = normalise(torch.tensor([env_values]), bounds[:, env_dims]).reshape(-1).tolist() # standardise outputs if standardise_y: y_train = standardise(y_train) # OPTIMISATION STEP # specify Gaussian process likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() gp = GaussianProcess(x_train, y_train, likelihood=likelihood) # fit Gaussian process fit_gp(x_train, y_train, gp=gp, likelihood=likelihood, lr=0.1, steps=200) # specify acquisition function acq = ExpectedImprovement(gp=gp, y_best=torch.max(y_train)) # optimise acquisition function conditional on environmental conditions x_new, ei = _cond_optim(func=acq, env_dims=env_dims, env_values=env_values, bounds=opt_bounds, constraints=constraints, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples) # unnormalise new point if normalise_x: x_new = unnormalise(x_new, bounds) return x_new
def _cond_optim(func: Callable, env_dims: int | List[int], env_values: float | List[float], bounds: torch.Tensor, constraints: Optional[dict | Tuple[dict]]=(), num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Conditional optimisation for environmental conditions. Holds envrionmental variables with indices `env_dims` fixed at measuremens `env_values`. Parameters ---------- func : ``Callable`` Function to optimise. env_dims : ``List`` of ``int`` List of indices of environmental variables. env_values : ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict`` Optimisation constraints on inputs, default is no constraints. num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. Returns ------- best_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser inputs. best_func_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Minimiser output. """ # make sure env_dims and env_values are lists if not isinstance(env_dims, (int, list)): raise TypeError("env_dims must be an int or a list of ints.") if isinstance(env_dims, int): env_dims = [env_dims,] if not isinstance(env_values, (int, float, list)): raise TypeError("env_values must be an int, float or a list of ints/floats.") if isinstance(env_values, (int, float)): env_values = [env_values,] # make sure constraints have the correct type if not isinstance(constraints, (dict, tuple)): raise TypeError("Constraints must be dict or a tuple of dicts.") if isinstance(constraints, dict): constraints = [constraints,] if isinstance(constraints, tuple): constraints = list(constraints) # add environmental conditions to constraints def create_con(dim, value): return {"type": "eq", "fun": lambda x: x[dim] - value} for i in range(len(env_dims)): constraints.append(create_con(env_dims[i], env_values[i])) # optimise best_results, best_func_result = _slsqp(func=func, env_dims=env_dims, env_values=env_values, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, num_starts=num_starts, num_samples=num_samples, **kwargs) return best_results, best_func_result def _slsqp(func: Callable, env_dims: List[int], env_values: List[float], bounds: torch.Tensor, constraints: Optional[dict | Tuple[dict]]=(), num_starts: Optional[int]=10, num_samples: Optional[int]=100, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Special version of the multi-start SLSQP optimiser for optimisation with environmental conditions using the ``scipy.optimize.minimize`` implementation from ``SciPy``. Used for optimising the acquisition function within the ENVBO algorithm. Picks the best `num_starts` points from a total `num_samples` Latin hypercube samples to initialise the optimser. Returns the best result. Minimises `func`. Parameters ---------- func : ``Callable`` Function to optimise. env_dims : ``List`` of ``int`` List of indices of environmental variables. env_values : ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict``, optional Optimisation constraints, default is no constraints. num_starts : ``int``, optional Number of start for multi-start optimisation, default is 10. num_samples : ``int``, optional Number of samples from which to draw the starts, default is 100. **kwargs : ``Any`` Keyword argument passed to ``scipy.optimize.minimize``. Returns ------- best_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser inputs. best_func_result : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Minimiser output. """ dims = bounds.size(1) # restrict bounds of environmental variables for candidate sampling in SLSQP env_bounds = deepcopy(bounds.float()) for i in range(len(env_dims)): env_bounds[0, env_dims[i]] = env_values[i] env_bounds[1, env_dims[i]] = env_values[i] # generate candidates candidates = gen_candidates(func, env_bounds, num_starts, num_samples) candidates = candidates.numpy() # initialise objects for results results = torch.zeros((num_starts, dims)) func_results = torch.zeros(num_starts) # iteratively optimise over candidates for i in range(num_starts): result = minimize(func, x0=candidates[i], method="SLSQP", bounds=bounds.numpy().T, constraints=constraints, **kwargs) results[i, :] = torch.from_numpy(result["x"].reshape(1, -1)) func_results[i] = float(result["fun"]) # select best candidate best_i = torch.argmin(func_results) best_result = torch.reshape(results[best_i, :], (1, -1)) best_func_result = torch.reshape(func_results[best_i], (1,)) return best_result, best_func_result
[docs] class ENVBOPredictionModel: """ Prediction model for ENVBO algorithm. Predicts optimal values for controllable parameters conditional on measurements of environmental variables. First, it uses a Gaussian process to model the relationship between all controllable and environmental inputs and the outputs. Second, it predicts optimal input values of the controllable parameters by holding environmental inputs fixed to the provided measurements and maximising the posterior mean of the Gaussian process model. Assumes a maximisation problem. Attributes ---------- x_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs. y_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n) Training outputs. env_dims : ``List`` of ``int`` List of indices of environmental variables. env_values : ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict``, optional Optimisation constraints, default is no constraints. likelihood : ``gpytorch.likelihoods.Likelihood`` Likelihood. model : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. """ def __init__(self, x_train : torch.Tensor, y_train : torch.Tensor, env_dims : int | List[int], bounds : torch.Tensor, constraints : Optional[dict | Tuple[dict]]=()) -> None: """ Initialise Gaussian process as prediction model. Parameters ---------- x_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs. y_train : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n) Training outputs. env_dims : ``int`` or ``List`` of ``int`` List of indices of environmental variables. env_values : ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. bounds : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 2 x d) Optimisation bounds of input space. constraints : ``dict`` or ``Tuple`` of ``dict``, optional Optimisation constraints, default is no constraints. """ self.x_train = x_train self.y_train = y_train self.env_dims = env_dims self.bounds = bounds self.constraints = constraints self.likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() self.model = GaussianProcess(self.x_train, self.y_train, self.likelihood) fit_gp(self.x_train, self.y_train, self.model, self.likelihood)
[docs] def predict(self, env_values : float | List[float]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Predict values for controllable parameters conditional on measurements of environmental variables. Parameters ---------- env_values : ``float`` or ``List`` of ``float`` List of values of environmental variables. Returns ------- x_new : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Minimiser inputs conditional on environmental values. pred_new : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Predicted minimiser output conditional on environmental values. """ self.model.eval() # Objective function for predictions def predict(x): x = x.reshape((1, -1)) numpy = False if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): numpy = True x = torch.from_numpy(x) pred = self.model(x) mean = pred.mean.detach() if numpy: mean = mean.numpy() return -mean # Optimise x_new, pred_new = _cond_optim(func=predict, env_dims=self.env_dims, env_values=env_values, bounds=self.bounds, constraints=self.constraints, num_starts=10, num_samples=200) return x_new, -pred_new