Source code for nubo.acquisition.monte_carlo

import torch
from torch import Tensor
import gpytorch
from gpytorch.models import GP
from .acquisition_function import AcquisitionFunction
from typing import Optional

[docs] class MCExpectedImprovement(AcquisitionFunction): r""" Monte Carlo expected improvement acquisition function: .. math:: \alpha_{EI}^{MC} (\boldsymbol X_*) = \max \left(ReLU(\mu_n(\boldsymbol X_*) + \boldsymbol L \boldsymbol z - y^{best}) \right), where :math:`\mu_n(\cdot)` is the mean of the predictive distribution of the Gaussian process, :math:`\boldsymbol L` is the lower triangular matrix of the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix :math:`\boldsymbol L \boldsymbol L^T = K(\boldsymbol X_n, \boldsymbol X_n)`, :math:`\boldsymbol z` are samples from the standard normal distribution :math:`\mathcal{N} (0, 1)`, :math:`y^{best}` is the current best observation, and :math:`ReLU (\cdot)` is the rectified linear unit function that zeros all values below 0 and leaves the rest as is. Attributes ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. y_best : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Best output of training data. x_pending : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs of currently pending points. samples : ``int`` Number of Monte Carlo samples, default is 512. fix_base_samples : ``bool`` Whether base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples of acquisition function should be fixed for the optimisation step. If false (default) stochastic optimizer (Adam) has to be used. If true deterministic optimizer (L-BFGS-B, SLSQP) can be used. base_samples : ``NoneType`` or ``torch.Tensor`` Base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples drawn if `fix_base_samples` is true. dims : ``int`` Number of input dimensions. """ def __init__(self, gp: GP, y_best : Tensor, x_pending: Optional[Tensor]=None, samples: Optional[int]=512, fix_base_samples: Optional[bool]=False)-> None: """ Parameters ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. y_best : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Best output of training data. x_pending : ``torch.Tensor``, optional (size n x d) Training inputs of currently pending points. samples : ``int``, optional Number of Monte Carlo samples, default is 512. fix_base_samples : ``bool``, optional Whether base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples of acquisition function should be fixed for the optimisation step. If false (default) stochastic optimizer (Adam) has to be used. If true deterministic optimizer (L-BFGS-B, SLSQP) can be used. """ = gp self.y_best = y_best self.x_pending = x_pending self.samples = samples self.fix_base_samples = fix_base_samples self.base_samples = None self.dims = gp.train_inputs[0].size(1)
[docs] def eval(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the (negative) expected improvement for some test point `x` by averaging Monte Carlo samples. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Test point. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) (Negative) expected improvement of `x`. """ # reshape tensor to (batch_size x dims) x = torch.reshape(x, (-1, self.dims)) # add pending points if isinstance(self.x_pending, Tensor): x =[x, self.x_pending], dim=0) # set Gaussian Process to eval mode # get predictive distribution pred = mean = pred.mean covariance = pred.lazy_covariance_matrix # get samples from Multivariate Normal mvn = gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean, covariance) if self.base_samples == None and self.fix_base_samples == True: self.base_samples = mvn.get_base_samples(torch.Size([self.samples])) samples = mvn.rsample(torch.Size([self.samples]), base_samples=self.base_samples).double() # compute Expected Improvement ei = torch.clamp(samples - self.y_best, min=0) ei = ei.max(dim=1).values ei = ei.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # average samples return -ei
[docs] class MCUpperConfidenceBound(AcquisitionFunction): r""" Monte Carlo upper confidence bound acquisition function: .. math:: \alpha_{UCB}^{MC} (\boldsymbol X_*) = \max \left(\mu_n(\boldsymbol X_*) + \sqrt{\frac{\beta \pi}{2}} \lvert \boldsymbol L \boldsymbol z \rvert \right), where :math:`\mu_n(\cdot)` is the mean of the predictive distribution of the Gaussian process, :math:`\boldsymbol L` is the lower triangular matrix of the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix :math:`\boldsymbol L \boldsymbol L^T = K(\boldsymbol X_n, \boldsymbol X_n)`, :math:`\boldsymbol z` are samples from the standard normal distribution :math:`\mathcal{N} (0, 1)`, and :math:`\beta` is the trade-off parameter. Attributes ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. beta : ``float`` Trade-off parameter, default is 4.0. x_pending : ``torch.Tensor`` (size n x d) Training inputs of currently pending points. samples : ``int`` Number of Monte Carlo samples, default is 512. fix_base_samples : ``bool`` Whether base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples of acquisition function should be fixed for the optimisation step. If false (default) stochastic optimizer (Adam) has to be used. If true deterministic optimizer (L-BFGS-B, SLSQP) can be used. base_samples : ``NoneType`` or ``torch.Tensor`` Base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples drawn if `fix_base_samples` is true. dims : ``int`` Number of input dimensions. """ def __init__(self, gp: GP, beta: Optional[float]=4.0, x_pending: Optional[Tensor]=None, samples: Optional[int]=512, fix_base_samples: Optional[bool]=False)-> None: """ Parameters ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. beta : ``float`` Trade-off parameter, default is 4.0. x_pending : ``torch.Tensor` (size n x d) Training inputs of currently pending points. samples : ``int`` Number of Monte Carlo samples, default is 512. fix_base_samples : ``bool`` Whether base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples of acquisition function should be fixed for the optimisation step. If false (default) stochastic optimizer (Adam) has to be used. If true deterministic optimizer (L-BFGS-B, SLSQP) can be used. base_samples : ``NoneType`` or ``torch.Tensor`` Base samples used to compute Monte Carlo samples drawn if `fix_base_samples` is true. dims : ``int`` Number of input dimensions. """ = gp self.beta = torch.tensor(beta) self.beta_coeff = torch.sqrt(self.beta*torch.pi/2) self.x_pending = x_pending self.samples = samples self.fix_base_samples = fix_base_samples self.base_samples = None self.dims = gp.train_inputs[0].size(1)
[docs] def eval(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the (negative) upper confidence bound for some test point `x` by averaging Monte Carlo samples. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Test point. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) (Negative) upper confidence bound of `x`. """ # reshape tensor to (batch_size x dims) x = torch.reshape(x, (-1, self.dims)) # add pending points if isinstance(self.x_pending, Tensor): x =[x, self.x_pending], dim=0) # set Gaussian Process to eval mode # get predictive distribution pred = mean = pred.mean covariance = pred.lazy_covariance_matrix # get samples from Multivariate Normal mvn = gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean, covariance) if self.base_samples == None and self.fix_base_samples == True: self.base_samples = mvn.get_base_samples(torch.Size([self.samples])) samples = mvn.rsample(torch.Size([self.samples]), base_samples=self.base_samples).double() # compute Upper Confidence Bound ucb = mean + self.beta_coeff * torch.abs(samples - mean) ucb = ucb.max(dim=1).values ucb = ucb.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # average samples return -ucb