Source code for nubo.acquisition.analytical

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.distributions.normal import Normal
from gpytorch.models import GP
from .acquisition_function import AcquisitionFunction
from typing import Optional

[docs] class ExpectedImprovement(AcquisitionFunction): r""" Expected improvement acquisition function: .. math:: \alpha_{EI} (\boldsymbol X_*) = \left(\mu_n(\boldsymbol X_*) - y^{best} \right) \Phi(z) + \sigma_n(\boldsymbol X_*) \phi(z), where :math:`z = \frac{\mu_n(\boldsymbol X_*) - y^{best}}{\sigma_n(\boldsymbol X_*)}`, :math:`\mu_n(\cdot)` and :math:`\sigma_n(\cdot)` are the mean and the standard deviation of the posterior distribution of the Gaussian process, :math:`y^{best}` is the current best observation, and :math:`\Phi (\cdot)` and :math:`\phi (\cdot)` are the cumulative distribution function and the probability density function of the standard normal distribution. Attributes ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. y_best : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Best output of training data. """ def __init__(self, gp: GP, y_best: Tensor) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. y_best : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) Best output of training data. """ = gp self.y_best = y_best
[docs] def eval(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the (negative) expected improvement for some test point `x` analytically. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Test point. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) (Negative) expected improvement of `x`. """ # check that only one point is queried if x.size(0) != 1: raise ValueError("Only one point (size 1 x d) can be computed at a time.") # set Gaussian Process to eval mode # make predictions pred = mean = pred.mean variance = pred.variance.clamp_min(1e-10) std = torch.sqrt(variance) # compute Expected Improvement norm = Normal(torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([1.0])) z = (mean - self.y_best)/std ei = (mean - self.y_best)*norm.cdf(z) + std*torch.exp(norm.log_prob(z)) ei = ei.clamp_min(0.) return -ei
[docs] class UpperConfidenceBound(AcquisitionFunction): r""" Upper confidence bound acquisition function: .. math:: \alpha_{UCB} (\boldsymbol X_*) = \mu_n(\boldsymbol X_*) + \sqrt{\beta} \sigma_n(\boldsymbol X_*), where :math:`\beta` is a predefined trade-off parameter, and :math:`\mu_n(\cdot)` and :math:`\sigma_n(\cdot)` are the mean and the standard deviation of the posterior distribution of the Gaussian process. Attributes ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. beta : ``float`` Trade-off parameter, default is 4.0. """ def __init__(self, gp: GP, beta: Optional[float]=4.0) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- gp : ``gpytorch.models.GP`` Gaussian Process model. beta : ``float``, optional Trade-off parameter, default is 4.0. """ = gp self.beta = beta
[docs] def eval(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the (negative) upper confidence bound for some test point `x` analytically. Parameters ---------- x : ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1 x d) Test point. Returns ------- ``torch.Tensor`` (size 1) (Negative) upper confidence bound of `x`. """ # check that only one point is queried if x.size(0) != 1: raise ValueError("Only one point (size 1 x d) can be computed at a time.") # set Gaussian Process to eval mode # make predictions pred = mean = pred.mean variance = pred.variance.clamp_min(1e-10) std = torch.sqrt(variance) # compute Upper Confidence Bound ucb = mean + torch.sqrt(Tensor([self.beta]))*std return -ucb